Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics ›› 2015, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 39-49.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.01.005

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Quadratic Inverse Eigenvalue Problem Under Double Complex Eigenvalues

HUANG Xian-tong   

  1. College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi 341000
  • Received:2013-05-14 Accepted:2014-01-03 Online:2015-02-15 Published:2015-04-15
  • Supported by:
    The Science & Research Project of Department of Education of Jiangxi Province (GJJ10585).


The inverse eigenvalue problem is an important method for designing the circuit or the mass-spring system. The paper considers the following circuit design problem: given some information of the inductance matrix $M$, resistance matrix $C$, and capacitance matrix $K$, determine the rest data such that the system has the prescribed frequency. We transform the problem into a quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem under double complex eigenvalues. The existence and the expression of the solution are derived by solving the quadratic character determinant equations. We present the algorithm and numerical examples, which show that the obtained result is correct.

Key words: quadratic eigenvalue equations, quadratic inverse eigenvalue problem, complex eigenvalue

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