Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Table of Content

    15 June 2017, Volume 34 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    New Classes of Optimal Frequency-hopping Sequence Set by Interleaving Techniques
    XU Shan-ding, CAO Xi-wang, XU Guang-kui
    2017, 34 (3):  221-231.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.001
    Abstract ( 186 )   PDF (171KB) ( 496 )   Save
    Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) systems, which have the properties of anti-jamming, anti-intercept, channel sharing and code division multiple access, have been widely applied to mobile communication, military radio communication, modern radar and sonar echo-location systems. An important subject in frequency-hopping (FH) multiple-access systems is to find optimal frequency-hopping sequence (FHS) sets, which are an indispensable part of FHSS systems. Based on the interleaving technique and the Chinese reminder theorem, two classes of FHS sets are constructed and the Hamming correlations of the new FHS sets are derived.  The results show that a large number of optimal FHS sets can be obtained recursively by choosing appropriate parameters and specific FHS sets.
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    Research on Market Microstructure Model with Nonhomogeneous Poisson Jump Based on UKF
    XI Yan-hui, PENG Hui, RUAN Chang, DING Mei-qing
    2017, 34 (3):  232-246.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.002
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (849KB) ( 311 )   Save
    Aiming at the huge price fluctuations caused by the market uncertainty, we develop a jump market microstructure model with nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Under the condition of unknown parameters, a new nonparametric method is proposed to detect the time-varying jump intensity. Based on the detected jump, we estimate its parameters by combining the unscented Kalman filter method with the maximum likelihood method. Simulation results and empirical study show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The AIC is used to compare two kinds of volatility models with jump, and the results show that the proposed market microstructure model is superior to the stochastic volatility in fitting the stock index data.
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    Improved Structured Blind Multisignature Schemes Based on Hyperelliptic Curves
    YANG Qing, XIN Xiao-long, LI Xiao-guang
    2017, 34 (3):  247-261.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.003
    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (282KB) ( 297 )   Save
    Secure and efficient blind multisignature schemes have a number of important applications in electronic commerce and electronic cash systems. Structured multisignature algorithms by reference are analyzed and improved in this paper. We present fast and efficient structured blind multisignature schemes based on hyperelliptic curves. The signature structure is expanded from two levels to three levels, so both sequential and broadcast are better integration. And a variety of specific algorithms are given. Finally, the complexity and security of improved schemes are compared and analyzed. Comparing with current approaches, improved schemes reduce computation costs by $(3n+2)TH+(273.8n+32.2)TML$. The results show that improved schemes have the advantages of low computation complexity, low computation time, high security and easy to implement.
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    Algebraic Properties of Uninitialized Sequential Quantum Machines
    HUANG Fei-dan, XIE Zheng-wei, DENG Ze-xi, YANG Jing-kai
    2017, 34 (3):  262-282.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.004
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF (220KB) ( 341 )   Save
    Quantum computing has attracted extensive attention due to its intrinsic parallel computation and physical realization. Quantum computing model is one of the most important problems in the field of quantum computing. Sequential quantum machine and quantum sequential machine are two important quantum computing models, and they are essentially equivalent. In this paper, we study the properties of uninitialized sequential quantum machine by utilizing algebraic methods, which provide a theoretical basis for the study of sequential quantum machine. Firstly, we introduce the definition of homomorphism of uninitialized sequ-ential quantum machines. Some homomorphic properties of uninitialized sequential quantum machines are obtained, and the homomorphism theorem of uninitialized sequential quantum machines is proved. Secondly, we study the congruence properties on the set of input-output pairs of uninitialized sequential quantum machine and the matrix algebra properties of uninitialized sequential quantum machines. Moreover, a commutative uninitialized sequential quantum machine is defined, and its properties are discussed. Finally, the equivalence of uninitialized sequential quantum machines is established, and the equivalence of two initial vectors of a commutative uninitialized sequential quantum machine is discussed. The obtained results improve some existing results.
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    An Exponential High Accuracy Compact Finite Difference Method for the Convection-diffusion-reaction Equation with Variable Coefficients
    TIAN Fang, GE Yong-bin
    2017, 34 (3):  283-296.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.005
    Abstract ( 263 )   PDF (1769KB) ( 709 )   Save
    An exponential high accuracy compact finite difference method is proposed to solve the one-dimension (1D) convection-diffusion-reaction equation with variable coefficients. Fir-stly, the equation is rewritten in the form of convection diffusion equation. Then the exponential high order compact finite difference scheme for the convection diffusion equation with constant coefficients and the remainder term modification approach are utilized to obtain an exponential high accuracy compact finite difference scheme for the 1D convection-diffusion-reaction equation with variable coefficients. Secondly, the necessary condition on grid step length is analyzed theoretically if the scheme in this paper has a fourth-order accuracy when the {\rm Pe}clet number is very high. Lastly, the Thomas approach is applied to deal with the algebraic equations. Numerical examples, mostly with the boundary layer where sharp gradients may appear due to high {\rm Pe}clet number, are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed scheme.
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    A Modified Nonsmooth Levenberg-Marquardt Method for Vertical Complementarity Problem
    SONG Lin-sen, GAO Yan
    2017, 34 (3):  297-306.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.006
    Abstract ( 109 )   PDF (132KB) ( 660 )   Save
    A modified nonsmooth Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) method is presented for vertical complementarity problem (VCP) in this paper. Compared with the existing ones, the method employs not only a new subdifferential, which is easier to obtain than B-differential, but also an adjusting strategy for the LM parameter to ensure that the LM step is not too small, so that the iterations move fast to the solution set. Moreover, the global convergence of the algorithm is obtained under some mild conditions and two numerical examples are given to illustrate its feasibility.
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    Pinning Synchronization of Complex Networks
    XING Zhi-wei, PENG Ji-gen
    2017, 34 (3):  307-320.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.007
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (1037KB) ( 500 )   Save
    This paper is concerned with the pinning synchronization problem of complex networks. By defining a new nonlinear $P$-measure of the nonlinear operator, a set of sufficient conditions are obtained to guarantee the global synchronization of the pinning process. The obtained results do not require the symmetric irreducibility of the coupling matrix and the continuous differentiability of functions. Therefore a broader application domain for the pinning synchronization of complex networks is provided. Finally, two simulation examples of complex networks are presented to demonstrate our theoretical results.
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    Hybrid Projective Synchronization of Different Dimensional Fractional Order Chaotic Systems with Time Delay and Different Orders
    ZHANG Wei-wei, CHEN Ding-yuan
    2017, 34 (3):  321-330.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2017.03.008
    Abstract ( 129 )   PDF (266KB) ( 364 )   Save
    In this paper, the hybrid projective synchronization of different dimensional fractional order chaotic systems with time delay and different orders is discussed. Based on the basic properties of fractional calculus, two different order fractional-order chaotic systems are transformed into the same order ones. Then, by using the stability theory of fractional order linear systems and constructing a nonlinear controller for the obtained systems with same order, a general scheme for synchronization of the considered systems is proposed. Some numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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