Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Table of Content

    15 June 2015, Volume 32 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Memory State Feedback Control for Multiple Time-varying Delays System with Nonlinear Perturbation
    LI Bo-ren
    2015, 32 (3):  317-327.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.001
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    This paper is concerned with the robust stabilization of multiple time-varying delays system with norm bounded nonlinear perturbations. By constructing an appropriate Lyapunov functional, dealing with the cross terms in the functional derivative by using the Jensen inequality, and utilizing the linear matrix inequality technique and Schur complement lemma, we obtain the system stabilization delay-dependent sufficient condition and a memory state feedback controller design method. Finally, a numerical example is proposed, which shows the stabilization condition is less conservative and the effectiveness of the memory state feedback controller.
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    Study on Robust Sparse Deconvolution
    GAO Qian, LIU Jian-chao, CHANG Xiang-yu
    2015, 32 (3):  328-336.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.002
    Abstract ( 28 )   PDF (814KB) ( 29 )   Save
    A fundamental and important approach in the field of seismic signal processing is the deconvolution of seismic signals. However, seismic signal acquisition can be contaminated by outliers, and the outliers affect the performance of deconvolution results. In this paper, we follow the Bayesian deconvolution framework, which was proposed by Canadas, and propose a new robust sparse deconvolution method for overcoming the influence of outliers. The new approach properly models the heavy-tail outliers and sparse reflection coefficients simultaneously. For solving the approach, we derive a type of alternative algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the algorithm by a series of simulations, which show that the new approach can eliminate the influence of heavy-tail outliers and recover the reflection coefficients. This further indicates the approach is valid and the algorithm is convergent.
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    Study on Optimal Portfolio for Defined Contribution Pension with Inflation and Knightian Uncertainty
    LIANG Yong, FEI Wei-yin, YAO Yuan-hao, RUI Ya-yun
    2015, 32 (3):  337-347.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.003
    Abstract ( 32 )   PDF (183KB) ( 40 )   Save
    In this paper, we study an optimal investment strategy for defined contribution pension plan with inflation under Knightian uncertainty. Firstly, we obtain the dynamics of consumer-basket-price with inflation by using It\^o formula. Secondly, we establish the wealth dynamic equation for an agent, and characterize the agent's expected utility function by the stochastic control theory, where the agent has different levels of ambiguity aversion to different companies. Thirdly, we get the HJB equation, from which we obtain the explicit form solutions of the optimal investment strategy. Finally, we analyze the impacts of the ambiguity and the inflation on the optimal investment strategy of an agent through a numerical simulation.
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    Study on Element-free Galerkin Method Based on Polygon Support Domain
    ZHANG Jin-feng, WANG Xiao-dong, OUYANG Jie, FENG Zhao
    2015, 32 (3):  348-358.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.004
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (603KB) ( 26 )   Save
    In this paper, we propose the element-free Galerkin method based on a polygon support domain since the traditional method cannot enforce the essential boundary condition directly. The proposed method extends the support domain of the computing point to a polygon instead of a rectangle or circular domain, so that the moving least squares shape functions satisfy the property of the Kronecker function, which makes it available for an essential boundary condition to be enforced directly. In addition, the background cells are associated with support domains in the proposed method, which avoids searching nodes tautologically in the traditional method and increases the computational efficiency compared to the traditional method. Numerical examples show that the proposed method not only possesses a higher computational efficiency, but also can successfully conquer numerical instability problems introduced by the dominated convection, when combined with stabilization scheme.
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    A Cell-centered Finite Volume Scheme for Anisotropic Diffusion Problems
    LUO Long-shan, GAO Zhi-ming, WU Ji-ming
    2015, 32 (3):  359-368.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.005
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (209KB) ( 31 )   Save
    An accurate and effective discretization of diffusion operators is very important in some practical applications such as radiation hydrodynamics. In this paper, we discuss the numerical solution of anisotropic diffusion problems on arbitrary polygonal meshes. A cell-centered finite volume scheme is constructed based on the harmonic averaging point through a certain linearity-preserving approach. The new scheme has only cell-centered unknowns, is locally conservative and has a compact stencil, which reduces to a nine-point scheme on structured quadrilateral meshes. Since the interpolation algorithm based on the harmonic averaging point is a two-stencil and positivity-preserving one, the construction of the scheme is largely simplified. Moreover, since we only use the common topology of 2D and 3D meshes, the extension of the new scheme to the 3D case is very easy and most of codes can be shared. In numerical experiments, we employ some typical distorted meshes and diffusion problems with both continuous and discontinuous coefficients to test our scheme. Numerical results show that the new scheme has a second-order accuracy on many distorted polygonal meshes.
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    Existence and Multiplicity of Positive Solutions for an Unstirred Chemostat Model with B-D Functional Response
    LI Hai-xia
    2015, 32 (3):  369-380.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.006
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    We investigate the existence and multiplicity of positive steady-state solutions to the unstirred Chemostat model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. The global structure of coexistence solutions is studied by the bifurcation theory. Sufficiently conditions for the existence of positive steady-state solutions are obtained. Furthermore, the stability and multiplicity of positive steady-state solutions are discussed. Conditions for the multiple existence of positive steady-state solutions are established by means of the perturbation theory for linear operators and the fixed point index theory. The results indicate that the maximal growth rate of the plasmid-bearing organism has an effect on the stability and multiplicity of positive steady-state solutions.
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    A Class of Modified Conjugate Gradient Methods with Zhang H. C. Non-monotone Rule
    CHEN Ying-mei, SUN Qing-ying
    2015, 32 (3):  381-390.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.007
    Abstract ( 29 )   PDF (162KB) ( 23 )   Save
    Based on the RMFI conjugate gradient method and the Zhang H.C. non-monotone line search method, a new kind of conjugate gradient methods for solving large scale unconstrained optimization problems is presented. Under mild conditions, the proposed method with the Zhang H.C. line search method converges globally. Numerical results show that the new method is more efficient when compared with the RMFI method with the Zhang H.C. rule. In addition, we extend the Zhang H.C. non-monotone line search method by utilizing the forcing function, and theoretically, we have proved the new conjugate gradient methods' global convergence with the extended model. 
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    Preconditioner GMRES Method for Solving Steady State Distribution of Vacation Queueing Networks
    YANG Shu-ling
    2015, 32 (3):  391-396.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.008
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    The determination of the steady-state distribution of the vacation queuing network is very important in many applications. The steady-state distribution vector can be obtained by solving a singular linear system. However, it is difficult to solve this system directly due to its huge size and complicated structure. A GMRES iterative method with a block lower triangular matrix preconditioner is proposed in this paper to solve this system. The preconditioner GMRES method has the advantages of easy construction and rapid convergence. Numerical examples demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm.
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    The Centro-symmetric Least Squares Solutions to a Class of Matrix Equations with a Submatrix Constraint
    PENG Zhuo-hua, LIU Jin-wang
    2015, 32 (3):  397-415.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.009
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    The constrained matrix equation problem has a wide range of applications in control theory, vibration theory, engineering and science computing. In this paper, an algorithm is constructed to solve a kind of matrix equations over centro-symmetric matrices with a constrained submatrix. The least squares centro-symmetric solutions of the matrix equations with a constrained submatrix can be obtained within a finite number of iterations in the absence of round-off errors, and the least-norm least squares centro-symmetric solution with the constrained submatrix can also be obtained by choosing a special kind of initial matrices. Numerical examples show that the convergence speed of the proposed algorithm is fast.
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    Sufficient Conditions for Nonsingular $H$-matrices
    LI Ling, XU Zhong, LU Quan
    2015, 32 (3):  416-424.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.010
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    Nonsingular $H$-matrices play important roles in the theory and application of numerical linear algebra, therefore, it is very important for us to study the determinate conditions for a nonsingular $H$-matrix. In this paper, we present some sufficient conditions for nonsingular $H$-matrices according to the properties of generalized strictly $\alpha$-chain diagonally dominant matrices, generalized strictly $\alpha$-diagonally dominant matrices and by introducing the iteration factors. The proposed conditions improve some related results and the theory of nonsingular $H$-matrices is also enriched. Finally, the effectiveness of these sufficient conditions is illustrated with numerical examples.
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    Permanence and Global Attractivity of a Nonautonomous Discrete Two Species Competitive System with Single Feedback Control
    WANG Dan-hong
    2015, 32 (3):  425-431.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.011
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    From the perspective of environmental protection, the permanence and stability are important characteristics of ecosystems. However, it is inevitable that external factors have influence on ecosystems, so it is important for us to study theoretically the stability of an ecosystem under the condition of feedback control. In this paper, we firstly propose a nonautonomous discrete Lotka-Volterra competitive system with a single feedback control. Furthermore, by utilizing the standard comparison theorem and the differential mean value theorem, we obtain the sufficient conditions for the permanence and global attractivity of the system. Finally, a numerical example shows the feasibility of our main results.
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    Study on Fixed Point Problems of Self-mappings in Non-Archimedean Menger Probabilistic 2-metric Spaces
    XU Wen-qing, ZHU Chuan-xi, WU Zhao-qi
    2015, 32 (3):  432-444.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.012
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    In this paper, we introduce the generalized Archimedean triangular norm in Menger probabilistic 2-metric spaces and Non-Archimedean probabilistic 2-metric spaces, and present a characterization of the generalized Archimedean triangular norm. Based on this, and utilizing the iterative method, we investigate the existence and uniqueness of the fixed points for self-mappings or common fixed points for a family of self-mappings under various contractive conditions in Non-Archimedean probabilistic 2-metric spaces. Many new results are obtained, which extend and generalize corresponding results in the literature.
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    Dimension Splitting Algorithms for Three Dimensional Steady/Unsteady Stokes Equations
    WEI Hong-bo, HOU Yan-ren
    2015, 32 (3):  445-461.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.013
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    In the three dimensional (3D) cylindrical kind domain, the finite-element dimension splitting algorithm (DSA) of steady/unsteady Stokes equation based on a consistent splitting scheme is proposed in this paper. The numerical schemes of steady/unsteady Stokes equation based on the DSA are presented. The advantages of the DSA are that our numerical schemes can be easily solved in parallel with several processors, and only 2D meshes instead of 3D meshes are involved in the numerical implementation. A great number of numerical results show that the DSA algorithm can be up to the optimal convergence rates, and obtain more accurate approximate solution than the 3D Galerkin finite-element method with 4-node tetrahedron elements. Finally, the good speed-up and parallel efficiency of the DSA are obtained by a parallel solving technique.
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    A New Higher-order Multivariate Markov Chain Model
    WANG Chao, HUANG Ting-zhu, CHING Wai-ki
    2015, 32 (3):  462-474.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.03.014
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    In this paper, a new higher-order multivariate Markov chain model is proposed. The convergence property of the model is also analyzed. Numerical experiments are given to show that the new higher-order multivariate Markov chain model is more efficient than the higher-order multivariate Markov chain model in precision of prediction.
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