Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Table of Content

    15 October 2015, Volume 32 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    An Improved C-V Image Segmentation Model
    LI Wu-qiang, YANG Qiao, HAN Guo-dong
    2015, 32 (5):  633-642.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.001
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (291KB) ( 31 )   Save
    Aiming at the deficiency of the traditional C-V model for image segmentation in terms of efficiency and accuracy of segmentation, this paper presents an improved C-V image segmentation model. Firstly, the level set function is restricted as a signed distance function by adding the internal energy term in the model, which could avoid the re-initialization and improve the efficiency of image segmentation. Secondly, the new regularization function of Heaviside function is chosen to improve the approximation effect and the accuracy of image segmentation. Finally, the regularization function is applied to replace the traditional Dirac function in C-V model with positive real functions. On the one hand, it's able to eliminate the latter inhibition of homogeneous areas near the border to detect non-initial active contour lines, and then makes the better global optimization features to improve the accuracy of image segmentation; on the other hand, it gives more simple model and improves the efficiency of image segmentation. Compared with the original C-V model, the numerical experiments show that the improved model has better efficiency and higher accuracy.
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    Number of Solution for the Sparse Signal Recovery Problem
    LIAO An-ping, YANG Miao, XIE Jia-xin, SHEN Kun
    2015, 32 (5):  643-649.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.002
    Abstract ( 26 )   PDF (156KB) ( 33 )   Save
    This paper is concerned with the number of solution to sparse signal recovery problem based on linear measurements, which is an important problem in signal processing. In the noiseless measurement case, by taking advantage of the combinatorial analysis method, an upper bound is established for the number of solution to the sparse signal recovery problem, and by constructing a special linear measuring matrix, the best of the upper bound is proved as well. Moreover, if the measuring matrix satisfies some conditions, the upper bound could be improved. Based on these results, some new ideas of a finite search can be employed to solve the sparse signal recovery problem in some special cases.
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    Method for Risk Ranking Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-attribute Group Decision-making
    CAI Jiu-shun, ZHANG Zhi-guo, SHI Peng, HE Quan
    2015, 32 (5):  650-658.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.003
    Abstract ( 35 )   PDF (231KB) ( 65 )   Save
    In order to solve the fuzzy and uncertainty problem of information collection, avoid the mistakes of single-person decision, and describe different characteristics of risk, we combine the intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number and the theory of multi-attribute group decision-making, and propose a new ranking method based on intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making and improve the accuracy of risk ranking. Firstly, we apply the intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number to collect expert judgment information. Secondly, we calculate the entropy weights of triangular fuzzy number and intuitionistic fuzzy number to get the combined weights, and obtain the comprehensive value of different risk schemes. Then, we rank comprehensive value of different risk schemes by TOPSIS method. Finally, the numerical example is given to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.
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    Blind Deblurring Based on an $L_{1/2}/L_2$ Regularization
    JING Wen-feng, ZHAO Ren-xing, LI Zhi-min, SONG Wei, ZHENG Yan
    2015, 32 (5):  659-666.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.004
    Abstract ( 28 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 55 )   Save
    Image deblurring is the basic work for image recognition and video analysis. In real-world applications, most image deblurring problems are ones of blind image deblurring. The problems are ill-posed and need to be solved by regularization methods. Since the existing regularization models for image deblurring are difficult to restore image details, we propose a novel blind deblurring model based on $L_{1/2}/L_2$ regularization and an alternating projection iteration algorithm to solve it. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model and algorithm have very good restoration on the detailed structure of original deblurred images, and have high computational efficiency and fine robustness to parameters as well.
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    Bayesian Estimation of TVaR Measure under Pareto-Gamma Models
    ZHANG Yi, ZHOU Dong-qiong, WEN Li-min
    2015, 32 (5):  667-676.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.005
    Abstract ( 27 )   PDF (192KB) ( 49 )   Save
    In financial risk management, the measurement and assessment of risk are most concerned problems for decision makers. Since TVaR measure is not only an improved VaR measure, but also  meets the consistency axiom of risk measurement, TVaR has been widely used in risk management. In this paper, Bayesian statistical models are given by applying both the sample information and the prior information of risks. The Bayesian estimation is employed in this model, and the strong consistency of Bayesian estimation of TVaR is proved. Finally, the simulation methods are given to investigate the estimation efficiency for different sample sizes. The results indicate that the estimator is still able to meet the needs of actual applications even in the small sizes.
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    Boosting Variable Selection Algorithm for Linear Regression Models
    LI Yu, ZHANG Chun-xia, WANG Guan-wei
    2015, 32 (5):  677-689.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.006
    Abstract ( 36 )   PDF (351KB) ( 46 )   Save
    With respect to variable selection for linear regression models, this paper proposes a novel Boosting learning method based on genetic algorithm. In the novel algorithm, all training examples are firstly assigned equal weights and a traditional genetic algorithm is adopted as the base learning algorithm of Boosting. Then, the training set associated with a weight distribution is taken as the input of genetic algorithm to do variable selection. Subsequently, the weight distribution is updated according to the quality of the previous variable selection results. Through repeating the above steps for multiple times, the results are then fused via a weighted combination rule. The performance of the proposed Boosting method is investigated on some simulated and real-world data. The experimental results show that our method can significantly improve the variable selection performance of traditional genetic algorithm and accurately identify the relevant variables. Thus, the novel Boosting method can be deemed as an effective technique for handling variable selection problems in linear regression models.
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    Existence of Periodic Solution for Semi-linear Second-order Differential Equations
    ZHOU Tong-fan
    2015, 32 (5):  690-696.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.007
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    In this paper, we consider the existence of periodic solutions for a class of semi-linear second-order differential equations. The difficulty of traditional methods lies in a mass of detailed estimates. By applying the viscosity solutions method and the classical upper-lower solutions method, as well as the Leray-Schauder fixed point principle, we establish the existence of periodic solutions to the equation under some weaker conditions. Our result improves and generalizes many results on the ropes mechanics equations in the previous literature.
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    A Coupled Volume of Fluid and Level Set (CVOFLS) Method for Tracking Moving Interfaces
    ZHOU Wen, OUYANG Jie, CUI Li-ying
    2015, 32 (5):  697-708.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.008
    Abstract ( 24 )   PDF (2443KB) ( 31 )   Save
    A new coupled volume of fluid and level set (CVOFLS) method is proposed to capture the moving interface, in order to improve both the inaccurate evaluation of the interface normal vector in volume of fluid (VOF) method and the poor mass conservation ability in level set (LS) method. The method takes the advantages of the VOF method and the LS method. At each time step, the LS equation is solved at first, and the interface normal vector is evaluated via the LS signed distance function. Then the VOF equation is evaluated, and the interface reconstruction and the mass correction are performed by the volume fraction. The method is applied in some benchmark cases, such as rotation of the Zalesak's disk, and stretching and shrinking of a circular fluid element. The numerical results indicate that the proposed CVOFLS method not only accurately captures the complex interface evolution and preserves the mass conservation, but also greatly improves the computational efficiency.
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    A Set of New Criterion for Judging Nonsingular $H$-matrices
    XUE Yuan, LIU Jian-zhou
    2015, 32 (5):  709-718.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.009
    Abstract ( 25 )   PDF (140KB) ( 20 )   Save
    Nonsingular $H$-matrix is a special class of matrices which has wide applications in computational mathematics, matrix theory, economic mathematics and control theory. In this paper, according to the special properties of $M$-matrices and $\gamma$-chain diagonally dominant matrices, and constructing positive diagonal matrices and subdividing the index set of matrices, we obtain several new conditions for judging $H$-matrices by applying some special inequalities and inequality techniques. The criteria extend some of the recent results, and the numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
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    Estimation on Upper Bounds for the Infinity Norm of Inverse Matrix of Strictly Diagonally Dominant $M$-matrix
    WANG Yong
    2015, 32 (5):  719-725.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.010
    Abstract ( 22 )   PDF (124KB) ( 26 )   Save
    $M$-matrix is applied widely in mathematical physics, cybernetics, electric system and so on. In recent years, the upper bound estimate on the infinity norm of inverse matrix of a strictly diagonally dominant $M$-matrix has become an important problem. Firstly, some new notations are introduced in this paper. Then, applying the range for the elements of inverse matrix and algebra methods, some new upper bounds for the infinity norm of inverse matrix of a strictly diagonally dominant $M$-matrix are obtained. Finally, the theory analysis and numerical results show that the new upper bound estimates improve some of the related results.
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    A Fast Propagation Method for the Helmholtz Equation
    LENG Wei
    2015, 32 (5):  726-742.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.011
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    A fast method is proposed for solving the high frequency Helmholtz equation. The building block of the new fast method is an overlapping domain decomposition method for layered medium. In the new fast method, the computation domain is firstly decomposed hierarchically into many subdomains on different levels. Then the mapping from incident waves to out-going waves on all the subdomains are set up. Finally, the wave propagates on the subdomain boundaries on different levels to reach the solution to the Helmholtz equation. The new fast method is of low complexity, and suitable for parallel computing. Numerical experiments show that with the new fast method, 2D Helmholtz equations with half billion unknowns could be solved efficiently on massively parallel machines.
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    Fixed Cost Allocation Based on Efficiency Maximization and Min-max Relative Difference
    LIN Rui-yue
    2015, 32 (5):  743-758.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.012
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (147KB) ( 20 )   Save
    In this paper, we apply the data envelopment analysis technique to propose a minimax model for the fixed cost allocation problem under two assumptions: all decision making units (DMUs) become strong CCR-efficient under common weights after the fixed cost allocation; the maximum relative difference between allocated costs and the corresponding scale sharing costs is minimized. In the pure input case and the pure output case, we deduce the analytical solution of the minimax model; in the general case, we propose an algorithm for the minimax model, which always produces a unique fixed cost allocation solution with good computational efficiency. Compared with other allocation methods based on the similar assumption, the new approach can avoid inappropriate gaps among costs with the help of appropriately allocating costs among DMUs according to their individual inputs and outputs. Numerical analysis shows the validity and superiorities of the new approach.
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    Applications of Adaptive Elastic Net Procedure for Logistic Regression Model
    LI Chun-hong, HUANG Deng-xiang, DAI Hong-shuai
    2015, 32 (5):  759-771.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.013
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    In this paper, we consider the adaptive Elastic Net procedure for the Logistic reg-ression model and prove the Oracle property of its estimates. Compared with the Lasso, the adaptive Lasso and the Elastic Net procedure, we obtain that the proposed procedure has good performance, owing to the Oracle property.
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    The Maximal SNS-pattern Matrix for a Signed Digraph
    MOU Gu-fang, HUANG Ting-zhu
    2015, 32 (5):  772-782.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.014
    Abstract ( 19 )   PDF (142KB) ( 23 )   Save
    For an asymmetric sign pattern matrix $P$, we analyze the sign characteristic of $P$ with the help of a signed digraph in this paper. The maximal SNS-pattern matrix for a signed digraph is the maximal sign-nonsingular sub-pattern among all real matrices having the given sign pattern $P$. In this paper, SNS problems for signed digraphs are studied by converting a signed digraph $\Gamma$ into a signed bipartite graph $G(U,V)$. We propose the algorithms for searching for a sub-signed bipartite graph $G(U',V')$ with the maximum perfect matching $M'$ corresponding to every set of disjoint $M'$-interlacing cycles, which contain an even number of $M'$-interlacing $e$-cycles. The maximal SNS-pattern for a signed digraph is obtained according to algorithms.
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    Analyticity and Persistence Properties of Solutions to the Fornberg-Whitham Equation
    ZHAO Cai-xia, FU Ying
    2015, 32 (5):  783-790.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2015.05.015
    Abstract ( 25 )   PDF (109KB) ( 26 )   Save
    The long time behavior of solutions is one of important problems in the study of partial differential equations. To a great degree, the properties of solutions will depend on those of initial values. In this paper, the analyticity and persistence properties of solutions to the Cauchy problem of the Fornberg-Whitham equation are considered respectively when the initial values are analytic or decaying. It is shown that the solutions of this equation are analytic in both variables, globally in space and locally in time. The solutions uniformly have the same decay property at any later time when the initial datum decays at infinity.
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