Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 319-330.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2016.03.010

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Numerical Simulation of Free Surface for Navier-Stokes Equations

HUANG Yu-ping,   LUO Zhi-qiang   

  1. School of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500
  • Received:2015-03-13 Accepted:2015-11-10 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2016-08-15
  • Contact: Z. Luo. E-mail address:
  • Supported by:
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11561037); the Research Foundation of Educational Commission of Yunnan Province of China (2015z035).


A Crank-Nicolson finite difference method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is developed and is applied to find the numerical solution of wave elevation on the free surface in a two dimensional tank. The numerical simulation of wave elevation on the free surface is studied with different excited accelerations and Reynolds number. From the benchmarks, the proposed finite difference method agrees well with the previous published works. As shown in the numerical results, we draw a conclusion that the wave elevations decay gradually with time. The number of the beating periods diminish gradually when the Reynolds number decreases. Finally, we find that the wave elevations on the free surface keep a related stable height, when the Reynolds number decreases.

Key words: Navier-Stokes equations, finite difference method, Reynolds number, dissipative phenomenon

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