Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 763-774.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2022.05.007

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Fast Sweeping WCNS for Steady State Problems for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

CHEN Xun,   JIANG Yanqun,   ZHANG Xu,   HU Yinggang   

  1. School of Mathematics and Physics, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010
  • Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-12-15
  • Contact: Y. Jiang. E-mail address:
  • Supported by:
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11872323); the National Numerical Wind Tunnel Project (NNW2018-ZT4A08).


Steady state problems for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws widely exist in many fields, such as fluid mechanics, optimal control, picture processing, and so on. A fast sweeping weighted compact nonlinear scheme (WCNS) is designed for these problems. The model equations are first transformed into the time-dependent problems by adding time derivative terms. Then, the flux derivatives are computed by a third-order WCNS and a third-order TVD Runge-Kutta method is used for the time discretization. Moreover, the fast sweeping strategy that combines Gauss-Seidel-type iteration method with a finite number of alternating sweeping orderings is adopted to accelerate the convergence speed of the designed algorithm. Numerical results show that the fast sweeping WCNS has third-order accuracy and good shock-capturing ability. Compared with the TVD Runge-Kutta WCNS without sweeping, the fast sweeping WCNS has a faster convergence speed and higher computational efficiency.

Key words: fast sweeping method, WCNS, steady state problems, hyperbolic conservation laws, computational efficiency

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