Association Journal of CSIAM
Supervised by Ministry of Education of PRC
Sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong University
ISSN 1005-3085  CN 61-1269/O1

Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 826-834.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-3085.2022.05.011

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The Convergence of Generalized Non-stationary Multi-splitting Two-stage Iterative Methods for Semi-definite Linear Systems

CUI Yanxing1,  WANG Chuanlong2,   JIANG Wensheng3   

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Changzhi University, Changzhi 046000
    2. Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan 030619
    3. Key Laboratory of Physics and Oceanography of Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003
  • Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-12-15
  • Contact: C. Wang. E-mail address:
  • Supported by:
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (11371275); the Collaborative Education Project of the Ministry of Education (201902213010); the Higher Education Reform and Innovation Project of Shanxi Province (J2021685); the Basic Education Project of Changzhi University (2020J016).


To effectively solve the large sparse linear equations of positive definite or positive semidefinite, the second stage splitting of generalized non-stationary multi-splitting two-stage iterative method is proposed, which combines the techniques of multi-splitting and matrix preprocessing generalizes the non-stationary multi-splitting two-stage iterative method based on the classical matrix splitting in the first stage. The algorithm and logical expression of the generalized non-stationary multi-stage iterative method are rewritten into a compact iterative scheme to consider the convergence. According to the iterative scheme, the generalized non-stationary multi-splitting two-stage iterative algorithm is convergent under a sufficient condition. Finally, a numerical example of a large sparse linear system with a five-diagonal coefficient matrix shows the feasibility of the generalized non-stationary multi-split two-stage iterative algorithm, and the efficiency of the algorithm is verified in terms of iteration steps and CPU time.

Key words: semi-norm convergence, quotient convergence, two-stage, multi-splitting

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